Monday, January 14, 2013


Norbert reminds me of the story "Ferdinand the Bull". We have been able to pet Norbert since he was born. "Big Momma", Norberts mother, lost him in the woods. John had to carry him out at two days old and Norbert peed on him. Our introduction to Norbert!

It is actually very dangerous to make a bull a pet and John has had to enforce the personal space requirements on him a couple of times. Norbert is very easy and calm. We can still pet him but are very careful about not encouraging him to come to us. The cows came up to us as we were trying to fix the tractor. (another story) And Norbert came up to see, too. I pet him and grabbed his ears. He loves the top of his head to be scratched. He weighs about 2000 pounds now. He is a very good bull.

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